Kassai Beáta


1993 Krúdy Gyula Secondary Grammar School, Nyíregyháza
1999 University of Debrecen (Department of Philosophy; Thesis: What is freedom? – Rethinking of Hannah Arendt’s essay)
1998-1999 Queen’s University of Belfast (Socrates-ERASMUS scholarship; political philosophy, moral theories, medical ethics)
2000 University of Debrecen (Hungarian literature and grammar; Thesis: What can be behind the mask? – textual analysis of Tóth Árpád’s poems)
2005 University of Miskolc (English literature and language; Thesis: Social Prejudice Against Afro-Americans in the USA and Gipsies in Hungary)


1999-2007 Vasvári Pál Secondary School, Nyíregyháza (as a teacher of Philosophy, Hungarian literature and English)
2005-2008 Bethlen Gábor Educational Foundation, Nyíregyháza; (as a contributor and consultant)
2008- University of Debrecen, Department of Philosophy, Doctoral Program of Modern Philosophy (as a Ph.D student of philosophy)

Scientific interests:
political philosophy and ethics; especially the national and multicultural identities, changes of European thinking and political theories in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Scientific works and publications:
* 2007. coordinator of a summer university course in Nyíregyháza; organizer of a lecture and book review – Agnes Heller: The insoluble question of Jews)
* 2009. Meritum Conference – Spring, Debrecen. Presentation: Art of the Manipulation.
* 2009. Meritum Conference – Autumn, Debrecen. Presentation: From the Decline of Nation-States to the Conflict of Civilizations.
* 2009-2011. HURO-ENRI (Hungarian-Romanian; European, National And Regional Identity- theory and practice) researcher.
* 2010. 28-29 May. ‘Social Research and Policy’ Conference, Oradea. Presentation: Multicultural Identity – or cultural self-interpretation of the immigrants in Europe.
* 2010. 26 November. ‘Perspectives of the Applied Ethics’ Conference, Debrecen. Presentation: Cultural identity in the EU.